Insert value from dropdown to radiobutton

Hi, I need some help.
I would like to try to make a page for a tennis club ranking by inserting the matches and having the updated scores.

I’ll insert the list of players with the points… ok

with two dropdowns I select the player to insert in the “games” table
I also have to insert the winner but I can’t select only the two players chosen in dropdown with the radio button, I can only insert them all. Help please

When I insert the players in the match table it inserts them with unique ID and not with NAME

At the end of the procedure I am unable to assign +3 points to the player who won the game.

Thanks everyone for the help

Solved unique ID with “Primary Fields”…
the other two questions remain :wink:

Thank you

At the end of the procedure I am unable to assign +3 points to the player who won the game.

SOLVED (see image


I just have to know how to select only the two players chosen in dropdown with the radio button

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