The intercom API developed by No-Code Venture is the most complete version of any Intercom plugin available on the Bubble eco-system.
I spent about 5-6 hours putting this together so I hope you guys like it
Plugin page:
Editor: Nocodeventure-plugins | Bubble Editor
Docs: Intercom API - No-Code Venture
Intercom Chat for Visitors
Intercom Chat for Company Users
Intercom Chat for Logged In Users
Intercom Chat Hide/Show
Create Contacts
Retrieve a Contact
Update a Contact
Delete a Contact
Archive a Contact
Unarchive a Contact
Merge two contacts
List attached companies (DATA & ACTION)
List attached tags (DATA & ACTION)
List attached segments (DATA & ACTION)
Create or update a Company
Attach a Contact to Company
Detach a Contact from Company
Retrieve a Company (DATA & ACTION)
Delete a Company
Create a note
List all Admins (DATA & ACTION)
List all Notes (DATA & ACTION)
Detach a Contact from Company
Retrieve an Admin (DATA & ACTION)
Set an admin to away
Retrieve a team (DATA & ACTION)
Counts - App Total
Counts - Conversations
Counts - Admin Conversations
Counts - Segment/Tag
Create an article
Update an article
List all articles (DATA & ACTION)
Create a collection
List all collections (DATA & ACTION)
Update a Collection
CSS properties for Chat Alignment and Padding