Ionic checkmark

Dear team,
The Ionic checkmark doesn’t have the Workflow option. Is it a bug or a feature?

I personally uninstalled the ionic plugin a little while ago as it does have some restrictions like this, but also loads like 1mb of code into each page which is huge for what it needs to do. It basically loads a whole component library for just a few things.

It’s actually super easy to recreate this just using a group and a check icon package like feather icons.

Here’s how I did it.

This is my circular group - not the roundness of the border

There's a state on the parent group (yes/no) which captures whether it's checked or not
Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 2.58.13 pm

I have a check icon in the middle

When the user clicks the group I change the state to YES and the background turns green

Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 2.59.04 pm

In this case I only need the user to click to confirm and then they don’t need to uncheck. But similarly I could add another workflow that sets the state to no if they click it when the current state is yes

Hope this helps. You then have all the freedom to do what you want after that cos it’s just a standard group you’re working with

Josh @ Support Dept
Helping no-code founders get unstuck fast :rocket:save hours, & ship faster with an expert :man_technologist: on-demand

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Hi Josh, thank you! I really have a problem with the last one, though.
I just don’t understand, what do I have to do to invert this process. Could you please point me in the right direction? I’m trying to make check/uncheck icon, like in a task manager

So you need two workflows “When Group Confirm is clicked”

  1. Only when Group Confirm Confirmed is YES
  2. Only when Group Confirm Confirmed is NO

For the first one, you then set the state to NO in an action on that workflow, and YES on the other.

Basically when the state is YES, make it NO & when the state is NO, make it YES

Josh @ Support Dept
Helping no-code founders get unstuck fast :rocket:save hours, & ship faster with an expert :man_technologist: on-demand

I post daily about no-code and Bubble on Twitter Follow Support Dept on Twitter

I finally got, thank you! Took multiple tries, but I suppose I messed up something, because as soon as I built the whole page from scratch, it all worked!

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