Is it better to create a mobile version of a page or make the page responsive ? In terms of loading speed especially

Because I am not very good at building responsive pages, I d rather create a mobile version but is it gonna slow down my website ?

Many thanks

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Create the page in normal dimensions.

Like 960 width.

Start from there.

What I do is create elements that are visible on certain page widths, and certain that aren’t (based on conditionals). is my site. (I started with 1280 width)

The footer/Navbar are the main components that change based on width.
The body just resized based on page width.

Not FULLY responsive just yet, but it’s getting close.


That is a smart approach. I do not see how this specifically can slow down your app. Your users will be using that mobile designed page.

The more users use your app concurrently, the more demanding the load is on your plan’s capacity. Bubble offers higher capacity … paid of course. :grimacing:

Hey @piboussion :wave:

I don’t think it necessarily slows down your app just to have a mobile version. However, it will certainly slow down your development. When you do two different pages for each size screen, you are essentially going to be doing twice the work for your project for as long as you have it active. Every change will have to be done on both pages. For me, it was a quick realization that I didn’t want to do that. I put the time into learning responsiveness, I feel it was worth the time.

Hope that helps! :blush:


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@J805 guidance is excellent!

Should you choose the route of the mobile page, perhaps you can build reusable elements that enable you to build logic in one place and use it in different places in your app.

There are different ways to approach builds in programming :+1:t2:

Ultimately, it is a never-ending optimization experience :sweat_smile:

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