Hi gang. I’m doing something with movies and some of my movie metadata relies on an external API (TheMovieDb.org). TheMovieDb has an official list of 20 or so movie genres. Since this list of genres rarely (if ever) changes, I’d like to create a matching option set, where each genre has an ID and Name. The ID would correspond to the genre id array returned when getting a movie’s detail via my movie detail API call.
A few questions:
1 - Is it possible to populate/create my option set programatically via API call, or do I have to key them in manually one a time?
2 - Is it possible to update my option set via workflow? While there are 20 movie genres, I might want to create a few more, so I’m wondering if I can do it through a front-end workflow. Or can they only be manually keyed in via the Editor’s Data tab?
Thanks in advance!