Is it possible to show two or more cursor at the same time?

I have created an app where my team mates our collaborating and working. I want to know is it possible to see their cursors on same page. Similar like Google Sheets or Bubble.

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I haven’t seen someone build this out yet. The closest I have seen was when I built a game like Zelda but multiplayer. It showed where the other players were on the page. In your case, unless someone can build a plugin with code, it would be too expensive to do it with native Bubble. The workload units to update their cursor location even every second would be too expensive.

I would only recommend the is if you are on a dedicated plan.

Without the dedicated plan, you would need someone to code a plugin that could use an outside source to do the work instead of going through Bubble’s workflows.

Like this: javascript - Best way to show others people cursor on the screen without affecting resources too much - Stack Overflow

Hope that helps. :blush:

@J805 thanks for your reply.

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