Keep button state as "Clicked" in repeating group after page refresh

On my web app, I have store filter buttons (e.g. Screen size: 13", 14", 15"…Weight: 3 lbs, 4 lbs…)
These buttons are in a repeating group. I need the user to be able to set his filters (modify button visibility to appear clicked) but also keep it in case of page refresh / re-visiting.

The fast responsiveness comes when I set a custom state and conditional formatting, but it’s not saved on page refresh.
I successfully managed to do so by storing the filters state in the database, but every toggle click takes a few seconds to apply which is very not user friendly.

The ideal solution I’m looking for is to have “on page load” to set the states based on the data in the database.
Doesn’t seem to be possible.
any other ideas?

You should definitely be able to set states on page load based on values in the DB.

Can you show your steps for this as screenshots?


Ok. I successfully managed to solve my issue.
for anyone else is stuck with this issue:

  1. I set a state (list of numbers) for the repeating group (not the cell)
  2. every click on cell, I added the button’s filter ID (manually created, stored in the database) to the state’s list, and also added to DB a record of this button clicked.

    Also had corresponding remove workflow of filter ID from the list and from the database.
  3. On page load, i loaded to the state’s list all the relevant filter IDs from the database
  4. And of course conditional formatting when filter ID is in the state’s list
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