Link from popup to different popup

I’m trying to link a Sign Up popup to a Login popup. The use case: if a user is on the sign up popup, but already has an account, they can click “login” on the Signup popup, which I’d like to then redirect them to similar looking popup, but with different content for login functionality.

I’ve been trying to show/hide, but when I choose to “show” the login popup when someone clicks “login”, the login popup isn’t available as an element to show.

Just a suggestion, but it may be better to have one popup for both sign up and login.

You’d just have two groups within the popup, and display the group based on the requirements.

Now it seems like for your issue, you’re using reusable popups, right?

For this, you’d need to include the login popup in your reusable sign up popup. Then you’ll be able to find it in your workflow.


Ohhhh, thank you @Nocodify! I hadn’t thought of this. I’m still new to Bubble, so these little tips really help :slight_smile: I’ll try that and let you know if it works.

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Aha! That worked. Thanks for teaching me a new trick, @Nocodify. :star_struck:

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