Linking 2 data types from both sides

Hi folks,

I’m quite new to bubble and have been stuck on this for a while.

The case:
I have two data types: “Shareholders” and “Companies”. For the companies I have a type “Shareholders” field called: “Shareholders” that links to all shareholders of the company thus bubble knows who all shareholders of each company is. For the shareholders I do not an association field with the type: “Companies” as there are some barriers prohibiting this.

Why do I need this?
I want to create a page: “All shareholders” containing a repeating group with every unique shareholder as well as all companies they are shareholders off (multiple values field). As I have no association going from “Shareholder” → “Companies” I am not sure how to do this as it seems bubble doesn’t fundamentally understand which companies are associated to each individual shareholder, only the other way around.

What would be a potential fix for this? All suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Hi there, @n.stummann… if I understand your post correctly, it sounds like you need a repeating group inside of a repeating group. The data source of the first repeating group would be a search for shareholders, of course, and the data source of the second repeating group would be a search for companies with a constraint where the shareholders field contains the current cell’s shareholder. Make sense?

Hope this helps.


Hi Mike, thanks for taking the time!

I believe this is only a 50% fix as I do not have a “Companies” field containing the companies of each shareholder (it will not be an option for me to make this due to some backend barriers outside of bubble) - thus I am trying to find a workaround.

I am imagining a solution where I can create a dynamic field called “companies” for each shareholder that would consolidate all companies where the field “Shareholders” is equal to the name of the shareholder. I am open to suggestions!

I think you misunderstood the answer.

What Mike is saying is that the second repeating group is of the type “Companies” not the Shareholder field “Companies” (which does not exist)

Then you filter down the second repeating group as described in the post above.

Yup, what @ian11 said, and the second repeating group (which is inside the shareholder’s repeating group) would look something like this.

This works now, must have done something wrong the first time.

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

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What did you do to spin up this screenshot? Do you just have like a test app that you do stuff like this in? Or did you make an app for it?

Yup, I have a sandbox app where I spin up and tear down examples for the screenshots I put in my replies.

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