List Keyword Checker

Hey! I’m trying to build something that will show a group (conditional formatting or workflow) when certain words are in the multi-input field. For context, I’m building a messaging feature in an app and want to ensure that no payments or communication is happening outside our platform. So essentially, if for example someone begins typing “DM me” or “Pay in person”, I want it to pickup on that and show the group which has text and an icon saying to please conduct all business on our platform.

Any way I can go about this? APIs would be helpful too.

New to bubble but I see the forums are very helpful and active.

There are two routes you can go about this ideally. There may be more but I think these are you best options.

  • Option One: Create your own “in-house” text constraints that are hard-written in such as: “DM me”, or “Pay me in Venmo”, etc. Also make sure you include constraints like their contact information, phone info, etc. Kind of like OfferUp does.
  • Option Two: AI API, to read and detect whether or not the message is either a, harmful, or b, an attempt to move the user off the platform for outside engagement.

Thanks for getting back!

I want to preferably go with Option One but I can’t seem to create either a workflow or conditional formatting that works. For example, “Cash” is in my options set for “Flag Words”. I had a conditional formatting rule that when the content of the multiline input is split by a space, and intersects with the option set’s list of words, to show a box. When I type “Cash” in the input box, it works and shows up. However, another phrase in my option set is “Pay in person” but when I type that into the input, it doesn’t work, neither does just “Pay”, “in”, or “person”.

I feel like there’s gotta be a simpler way to go about this.