Hey, it’s time for some Live Bubbling with @keith! In this video, I talk about Bubble’s Bulk Create API and show off a couple of still-in-development plugins (that will be included in Floppy). These plugins make it easier than ever to interface your app with its bulk create endpoints… and, in fact, you don’t even need to configure API calls! Pretty neat stuff… So lets’ talk a bit about bulk thing creation!
@jared.gibb, I gave u a shoutout in this. I’d put off messing with the bulk create API for too long!
@jared.gibb put me on it and it was game changing!
It’s just such a pain to set up. I hate manual labor… so of course I built a plugin.
Perhaps there is a free lunch (or at least cheaper)
OH! @tylerboodman … trying to hoisht me on me own pitard! See, it’s such a pain the ash to shet up, mehboi, that I never fully exshplored it! It’s not the firsht time I’ve been wrong and it shurely won’t be the last, boi!
I still think there must be some downside that’ll bite one in the you-know-whut at some random time, but it’s hard to detect in small doses. Using the bulk create API does at least enable orders-of-magnitude improvements over iteratively calling “Create New Thing” in a looping workflow (which will quickly cause capacity to exceed momentary limits, which is why I caution against attempting that with List Shifter, Floppy, etc.).
And now I feel like I should keep this info on the down-low, lest Bubble fix that. (But too late, I’m already committed to finishing those plugins.) One major thing that’s not implemented yet is returning info on whether some given Thing failed creation and providing a means of automagically retrying.
Aside: You’ve got to admire my ability to create a basically zero-configuration approach to using the bulk create API. Similarly, you’ve got to admire my ability to be “often wrong” but at the same time “rarely in doubt”.
Yes I kid, I Kid
Makes me wonder why they don’t have a “Create a list of things” action. Their “Make changes to a list of things” probably already makes the bulk edit API call…
I find still setting up a recursive WF with the bulk create a good idea just incase the list goes over 1000 (in my case it does quiet often)
Killing it with the new features! This will help simplify some workflows.
I’ve had a plan to test Data API for CRUD operations as an alternative for API Wfs in my app for a long time.
Thanks for sharing this video