Live User accounts being created in Development DB

Hey everyone,
I have a bizarre and perplexing problem that I need to resolve asap.

I have real, live Users creating user accounts and they somehow end up in my development DB instead of Live.

My app is wrapped with the BDK wrapper, in case that makes a difference.

It’s odd because this only occurs occasionally and I am quite certain that those who download the App have no access to the test DB.

Has anyone ever experienced this? Please advise.

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

Sounds like somewhere in your wrapper config you have something pointing to /version-test

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Thank you for replying! that’s good insight-- do you think that would that be in a workflow somehow, or a problem with the wrapper itself?

Could be either or both I’m afraid.

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Alright, so I can audit the App side of things-- since it’s only on the login, that limits the possibilities substantially.

Thank you so much for taking time to offer this insight!