Dear Bubblers,
First, please watch the video. If this seems like your problem too, please read on.
VIdeo on Youtibe (there are 2 parts: fast and slow motion)
I have spent many-many hours of trying and researching things, and I don’t know how to solve it. At first, I thought this was the Bubble performance problem. While not being able to confirm or exclude this possibility, I tried to find a bypass - by showing a “pre-loader” animation. But as you can see in the video, it doesn’t solve the problem. (I even applied fade out timer to delay showing the RG.) In the end, there is a huge time gap between Bubble saying “RG has been loaded” and it actually appears to be loaded.
Also, what does Bubble consider as a repeating group?! If it’s just the table itself - then they are formally correct (and the video proves it). However, we don’t want to display empty tables, we want to display content.
In my example, I have a table with just two fields - record name and record children, with the latter being just a lit of records alike. A record on average has 2-5 children. This gotta be super-fast. There are no calculations, nothing that would make the update so slow. Yet it is.
I believe many of us have bumped into this issue, and if someone has the solution - let’s nail it down here and make it easy to find for new bubblers. Many thanks.