Map Conditionals add selected marker

I’d like to see in the conditionals on the map element the ability to set a condition to change a marker to be that of the “selected icon”…so that I could create a conditional that would let me match a value to highlight an icon on the map.

For example, if I have a list of retailers and I select one in a repeating group, I could use that selection to change the maps icon to the “selected icon” so the user could see where on the map that retailer from the repeating group is located.

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If you use the bdk Google map plugin, you can have 5 data sources. You could use a conditional on one of them to show a different marker for a selection. You might have to temporarily remove the location from the initial marker group, but it would work well.

If you need help, let me know

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Thanks for the tip. I think I looked at that plugin in the past and just reviewed it again. I messaged the plugin creator to see if it has what for me is a make or break functionality of an auto-close when another map marker is selected.

Do you know if it has the ability to do that? I really do not like the idea of map marker popups remaining opening and requiring a user to close them manually.

I know if the map markers are visible, the labels stay open. It’s ugly and should be fixed @gaurav

But if you remove the markers source, that might wipe them. You could trial the functionality if you want, it’s only$4 month prorated, so if you use it for an hour or two, it’s basically free.

Otherwise send me a pm and I’ll test it out this afternoon on my app and I’ll let you know the results.

Thank you for the offer. I ended up stumbling upon and purchasing this plugin.

It does some things that I am looking for, however not 100% sure of the ability to show the marker connected to the listing selected.

I got a reply from gaurav that the functionality to auto-close the labels is not available currently but he has thought about adding it.

An update here is that I overlooked the fact there is currently a workflow function to do just this. As read in the reference:

Here is the workflow

Screen Shot 2020-03-08 at 10.45.45 PM

Only problem is that I can’t get the title window to be shown when the selected marker is changed using the workflow. Seems like a bug.

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