Marketplace Data Structure - Users vs. Listings?


I am building a simple marketplace that connects sellers and buyers.

I used the default “user” data type to create a dataset of users (w/ profile information attached - e.g. name, category, picture, etc.). I added an option set so that I could include both buyers and sellers within the same user dataset. This option set is represented in a user type field within the user dataset. (Note: users will NOT be both buyers and sellers in this marketplace).

I am starting to build out functionality that allows 1.) sellers to create listings, 2.) buyers to submit offers to listings, and 3.) sellers to review offers.

Can someone help guide me on the best database structure here? I think I need three different databases (user, listings, offers), but I’m not sure how to connect these three databases in order to 1.) connect an offer to a specific listing, and 2.) connect a listing to a specific user. However, I’m a bit lost :frowning:

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