Marketplace Payment solution


I’m building a marketplace for babysitters and petsitters. I’m looking for a payment solution that enables me to hold my seller’s funds and create a payout for them when they want to, and the ability to schedule charges for buyers.
Meanwhile, my users would only have to provide card details

I have been using stripe connect but it does not provide this option so I’m looking for alternatives.

Can somebody suggest a magical plugin that would solve my problem?

Trustshare can do the magic for you, let me know if you need assistance building a plugin.

Is there another way, like PayPal or anything?

Btw, would love some help setting this up

Why can’t you use Stripe Connect for this (what do you mean it doesn’t provide this option?)

The main problem with using stripe connect is that sellers would have to be taken to an onboarding page thus they don’t just insert their card details.

Also Stripe only offers the option for sellers to be a business entity/sole proprietor. Many of my sellers would be regular people

***Important mention probably: I live in Hungary, Europe

Hi @zalanzsely7777 , I will suggest Paypal.
Paypal has rich feature that can handle marketplace payment function.
and I can help you to set it up.

Hi, @r14n.z41 would love that. Please send me a DM so we can discuss the details! :slight_smile:

I have same problem with Stripe, because my country hasn’t listed as support countries.
and now I do Paypal Integration for bubble. for sending/receiving money.

Well, how else will they get paid?

Also Stripe only offers the option for sellers to be a business entity/sole proprietor. Many of my sellers would be regular people

Isn’t that the definition of a Sole Proprietor?

***Important mention probably: I live in Hungary, Europe

Fair enough, I can’t comment on the specifics of how Stripe works (or doesn’t work) in Hungary.

In Hungary Sole Proprietors need to be a registered business entity (probably everywhere I don’t know), but many people would probably not use my app because they haven’t registered as one.

So I want my sellers to only have to provide card details that I can send money to, like on Vinted for example

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