Hello All!
I need your advise please.
I have a list of “Packages” displayed in a Repeating Group. Than I have a list of “Extras” displayed in a different RG. The sources are two different DBs.
The user chooses (only)one of the available “Packages”, by pressing a Button. Using a custom state for the RG called “Selected_Package” and the Value is Packages.
When the Button is pressed, the custom state is set:
In some of the “Packages” some “Extras” are included. Each package different “Extras”. And if the selected “Package” includes any “Extras” I would like those to be “pre-selected” in the next RG which displays the list of “Extras”. The way the user can choose from the “Extras” is checking a checkbox(Ionic-checkbox). and a Custom State for the RG called “Add_to_Cart” this is a list of “Extras”
So basically some of the checkboxes needs to be selected in the RG. Based on a button click in a different RG.
Thanks for all the advice