Is there any documentation about how to make math operations with Bubble?
I’m trying to make a sub, (10 - Current’s User Current Points)…
How to do it?
Any of the math plugins have documentation, there is no video on Youtube, and any mentions about MATH OPERATIONS on Bubble Manual or the Full Reference…
My experience is that bubble is bad in mathematical operations. I have given up to let more complex calculations be calculated. Not sure, but I think bubble calculates from left to right. As a result, it does not know dot before dash and no parentheses. (Does not exist anyway)
Solutions were with me. To create a separate group of type number, to let calculate the single operations there and then to let calculate the results again in a new group. and so on…
I would really recommend the Toolbox plugin for this. You’ll find an element called Expressions, which gives a lot more freedom in math expressions than Bubble does out of the box.
You can do basic math on most Dynamic fields, though very basic ones (ie no parenthesis). Download the Toolbox plugin and add an Expression element to do more complex things.
Assuming the Current’s User Current Points field is a number type and not text you should be able to easily calculate:
“Current’s User Current Points - 10”
You have to use the built in “-“ operator not type it out yourself. Anytime you use the “more” tool which is connected to a number and not a text value then you should see a list of all the basic math operators.