MercadoPago API & Bubble - Integração com plugin gratuito

Fala galera!

Acabei de soltar um vídeo ensinando a integrar seu aplicativo Bubble ao MercadoPago, com um plugin gratuito:

Link do Plugin:

Renato Asse
Assista mais aulas sobre o Mercadopago, split de pagamentos e webhooks na Comunidade Sem Codar - o maior curso Bubble do mundo com mais de 2.000 bolheiros :slight_smile:

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Muito bom, Renato! :+1:

Hello Renato, amazing plugin, really easy to use!

However, I´m from Mexico and I was wondering if i Could use the plugin, this is because I am getting the next error:


Hey, Did you fin a solution for you erroe? i’m experiencing the same here.

Hey @douglas_unr and @subnormalmx,

This plugin is only for BRL (Brazilian Reais).

If you wish to use it on other countries, you have to use a different currency id.
By taking Bubble lessons on API Connector and studying Mercadopago API documentation, you’ll be able to do so:

Hey, my plugin works for Mexico. Take a look:

erro mercado pago

Estou tendo o mesmo erro que os colegas mesmo estando aqui no Brasil, @renatoasse

Resolvido, estava apenas pegando o token errado.

@renatoasse hola renato un gusto saludarte tengo una consulta cuando intento realizar la integración de mercadopago me da el siguiente error

Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 21.48.51

el en foro pude leer que error era por la moneda en la sección currency_id , yo la modifique pero me sigue presentando el error . cual crees que sea el problema ?

Olá @proteuscrypto,

O erro que aparece ali “collector_id invalid” ocorre quando suas credenciais do Mercadopago estão erradas.
Revise as credenciais inseridas.


:upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: gracias por su respuesta.

hi @renatoasse . Well, I’m here to congratulate you, your plugin works great. I loved an impeccable tool…AAA+++,

I have a query if you have any plugin that I can use to connect this api (file)

to this website developed in bubble:
I want to make an API call with a government credit analysis agency, in Brazil. The name is SERASA.
I already use this SERASA, but nothing through API, and since I need this calculator to do an automatic credit pre-approval, I need to implement this call. But it’s different from the common calls I know of and haven’t been able to make.

Hello everyone, I have a problem related to payment using this plugin. I configured everything and it worked fine but now for some reason all the payments result in an error indicating the following window… and there it stays. What can be?