I am trying to combine two lists of items based on 2 date inputs (since, until)
- Tickets with submit date < “until” AND close date > “since” [list A]
- Tickets with submit date < “until” AND close date is empty [list B]
I do a search for both, using advanced filter and merge the two lists and store this data into an invisible RG (let’s call it Ticke Data)
However, I am not getting the expected list of tickets.
I’ve done some trouble shooting by listing all tickets and comparing the submit and close values to the input and testing the conditions, and something’s clearly not right.
Here is an example:
Tickets 4 and 6 below are clearly submitted before “until” and closed after “since”:
However they are not listed (first NO column in red) in the Ticket Data.
Yet they match the first condition indeed (YES in second column) and indeed they do not match the second condition because they are closed (NO in third column).
I verified in the debugger and I can clearly see the ticket n# 4 in the the data returned by the first half of the query.
So it seems that when MERGING list A and B there these particular tickets disappear. It acts like an INTERSECT rather than MERGE.
Surely I did something wrong?