The new responsive engine lets me define a “Width for UI Builder” on a page, which sets a preferred working area. Nice!
There is however no “HEIGHT for UI builder”. Why?
There is a “Min height” option, and I can set that to fit my elements, but it has real life implications (I found out the hard way, chasing a “bug” on mobile view for hours) and not merely a thing for the builder itself.
Omitting this option instead pancakes any item not being fixed height at a higher level, making the editor impossible to work with.
Am I the only one who has noticed this yet? Anyways, upvotes for the team to consider this if they have not already.
Thanks for posting this Alex! I thought there’s already a way to fix this but apparently not.
I also have the same question because I am making a dashboard and also having a hard time on getting the height to full screen right without forcing it using the Min height mentioned above.
Having the same issue. I want to set my min height to 0 (which it technically is), but that causes my editor interface to become 0px tall…not very nice for development
Same issue here. When you working with floating groups as the main groups on your page than you have to edit on a blank canvas with no height. Would be great is there was an option: height for UI builder or an option to set the height to max display height.
Big +1 for this. Not having this option is a real pain, my app relies on scaling elements to viewport height and I’ve got to remember to reduce the height after editing everytime I deploy any changes so I don’t break my app.