Modifying an existing entry from a multidropdown

I have several multidropdowns. I have an entry into a table from the multidropdown and I am building a form where the user can modify that entry. How do I write the expression in change a thing that will add or remove items on the list?

This is how its set up in the table
Its the only way it would work

With multi-dropdowns you can use auto-binding on list fields, that should be all you need to do.

You can use the set list operator in Bubble instead of add or remove. In the set list operator, set the source to the corresponding multi-dropdown element. Let me know if this works :slight_smile:

Also, auto-binding is a good suggestion but is not entirely a WU-optimized solution from what I understand

That’s interesting, you’d think it’d be the most efficient way haha :slight_smile: The more you know!

True, there are multiple ways of achieving the same thing. Came across this though; it might be helpful


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