On an index page, user can see a list of all of the items they have uploaded.
User can click on any item in an index page to see a details page for each item.
Data Structure
User Table with a List of Files data field
File Table
I am creating a page that allows users to drag and drop a number of files with the multi upload tool:
I am having a hard time saving each of the files that are being uploaded. My app is currently only saving the very first one. I looked at https://bubble.io/page?type=page&name=multiimage_upload&id=forum_app2&tab=tabs-1, but following the same logic on my app, it would create a strange duplicity problem. We have a specific page that is a details page that should show the details of each item. Looking at the overall goals from above, how would you structure this?
Using the same multi-select tool in 1 above, is there any workflow that extracts the file name from the files?
Is there a way to send an email for each file that is being bulk uploaded? Meaning, once a user uploads n (<=20) files) and click an execute button, a email goes out for each of the files that were just uploaded?
Your confusion here is that the file uploader returns a list of files, a file here being a built-in type, and not the one you’ve defined. So if you make a field on the user be ‘files’ and of type ‘list of files’ (but not the type you’ve defined), you’ll be able to do
when the user clicks on execute, make change to the current user and change the field ‘files’ and make it equal to the multifile input value (and send send emails, etc.).
You’re basically saying, when the user clicks on execute, modify the user and it field Files. And the way you want to modify the field is by adding the current user’s file.
In other word, you’re saying let’s make A equal to A… Normal it won’t do much.
You should use the input’s content, and as I said in an earlier post,
Thank you so much for your patience with me on this.
I understand what is happening now, and where I was getting it wrong.
My workflow now reads:
Make a change to a thing
Change the current user
Add to the current users list of files a list of things
Then that is where I get stuck. I am trying to get that list from From the multi-file input. But that data type is not available to me. Mismatch data type?
Yes, because there is a type mismatch. Your field is a list of Files, but that Files is defined by you, while it should be a list of files, as file in the bubble built in type library.
So if you make a field on the user be ‘files’ and of type ‘list of files’ (but not the type you’ve defined), you’ll be able to do
when the user clicks on execute, make change to the current user and change the field ‘files’ and make it equal to the multifile input value (and send send emails, etc.).