Multi file uploader supabase

Hello I’m looking for a multifile uploader that send data to supabase s3 buckets. We tried the Supabase by nocodegarden, but it’s not working well its causing a lot of bugs in file name. So if someone could help me to find a good plugin. Can be a payed solution.


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@jonah.deleseleuc hit him up!

Hey @moabe.leite,
I’m the developer of the plugin and would be happy to help with issues you may have with the uploader component.

Would you mind sharing the scenario that causes the error? I regularly release new versions of the plugin, so this might be quick to fix.

We work with french clients, and other non-english spokers, and the file name is not sanitized when uploading to supabase, so our clients is getting errors all the time, because the put letters with à or ô or ç and supabase dont accept those letters

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Thanks for the details.
This might be related to Supabase itself (Special characters in filename causes uploads to fail · Issue #133 · supabase/storage · GitHub).

I’ll look into how to solve this and get back to you quickly


I’m trying to build something and use this code

const cleanName = fileName
            .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '')  
            .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]/g, '_')  
            .replace(/_{2,}/g, '_');
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Hey there,

Thanks for the shout-out! I am french & English and I have created a popular uploader plugin here on bubble (Better Uploader). If you’d like to work with me to create something for you, send me an email at

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Hey @moabe.leite
I’ve added a new option to the uploader component that should fix your issue. This will be available in the next plugin version (2.1.0).

