Multi-step Project Form | FREE Template

Hi Bubblers,

Happy to post a new free template, that is Multi-step Project Form Details and previews below, hope you enjoy - any feedback much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:.

The Multi-Step form provides a convenient method for collecting user data while maintaining a clean appearance and intiutive UX.


  • Responsive Design
    The multi-step form scales down neatly to any device from tablets to mobiles.


  • Features 5 Sections
  1. Collects personal details with standard inputs.
  2. Collects any company information with a multi-line input.
  3. Pick n choose specific task related options (using custom state checkboxes).
  4. Set the project timeframe using the slider element.
  5. Set a budget using the slider element before submitting the form.
  • Helpful Learning Tool
    Learn more about how custom states work in a real case usage of this app along with how the responsive engine works within this template and the extra workflows that make the multi-step form fluidly flow from one step to the next.

  • Fully Customizable
    Change any elements, conditions and workflows to adapt into your working app. Easily migrate this multi-step form over to your app in a few minutes (see FAQ question).

Template preview

Template page

FAQ’s help page


Kudos, very nicely done!

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Cheers Dan, much appreciated.

:star_struck: Thanks

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Looks great! :+1:

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