Multiselect Dropdown - Display Current User Data as Options


I am developing an app where trainers can choose their specialties. I am using a multiselect dropdown with static options that I save as a list of texts. I can currently save my data how I want it to be saved in my database, but when I am testing my app on the preview page, I notice an issue with the display. When I initially load the page, I can choose options like the following, where I can delete the option.

When I refresh the preview, it displays the user’s current data like the following:

Upon reload, I would like it to display as an option (image 1), so that when adjusting specialties, the user doesn’t have to re-select existing selections. Is this because I used static options stored as text instead of an option set? Is there a different way to command the display while keeping the options static and stored as a list of texts?


Hi Nolan! I’ll be happy to help you out
Explaining over text is not really my strong suit though…let’s hope on a quick 5 minute call. I’ll explain the concept to you

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I suggest use option set , text are not good option and olin long run text will make maintaining your app hard and searchings will cost more.

If the list if finite use option set and if the list is infinite( means user can add things ) use q data type just for these option, and use backend to to lim6duplication of option.

Ask @ballerthedev or me anything will wlak you though it.



Step 1: Create the Option Set

Step 2: Populate options


Step 3: Set up Multiselect Dropdown properties

Step 4: Set up workflow to make changes to the user
