My bubble app performance

Hello all,

I’m having a tough time trying to improve the performance of my application. I have a Google Lighthouse rating of 47 which simply means the app is unusable. The homepage takes 7 seconds to load. I’m not quite sure where to begin or how to manage this. I appreciate that Bubble may not have the greatest performance to begin with but I’m sure 7 seconds is my fault… right?

I’ve attached a screenshot of the lighthouse diagnostics below.

Even on a page with just some text, input boxes and my logo. The loading time is 7 seconds.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

I’d be happy to share my app with anyone to take a look at. Honestly, just confused.

6s of it comes from Bubble. Best advice from my part stay and build your product, horizontal expand data tables, paginate searches, minify picture format other than that it is all on Bubble’s part

It’s impossible to continue to justify a solution where it takes 6 seconds to load. User retention
will be 0%.

I think so too, but keep in mind lighthouse is 3G, very slow. Roadmap towards it looks promising but I am not that hopeful anymore