My first project: Wedding planning platform


I’ve been building different tools in bubble for a while now but never come to the point of doing something fully functional. Me and my partner is getting married in 2 years and we needed a good tool to manage our budget, events and all our plans for the wedding. So I started creating the bare bones of the system and added in the first module to plan events.
So yesterday we created our Engagement Party and sent out invitations!

So the system works like this:
You sign-up, create/add your partner and set the budget and date for the wedding. We automatically create a to-do list leading up to your wedding with about 60 tasks.
Each wedding can have as many events as you want and your wedding is automatically created as a event. On each task and event you can log an expense to keep track of spending vs. budget.
Each guest is actually a generated user that can go in and RSVP on invites, set their diets and add a +1 to the event.

Here is how it looks for now:
This is the main wedding dashboard, a lot more will be added here:

This is the dashboard of a event, in this instance it’s our Engagement party:

Here is how the invites sent to the users look like:

Plans for improvements:

  • Adding full budget tool, a expense can then be linked to a line in the budget
  • Better guest management, edit guests, see dietary lists etc
  • A page for guest communication. See what’s been sent out, plan new emails/SMS and send out email/SMS to selected or all guests
  • Schedule for event
  • Gift registry
  • Vendor directory
  • … And lots more!

What do you guys think this far? :smiley:


Wow!!! Looks great!!

Would you ever consider templating this on the store? I ask because I’m in the same wedding planning boat!!