Navigate to a specific page based on button clicked


I am trying to create a flow on a page. I am displaying buttons in a repeating group (example choice 1,2,3,4) and based on what the user clicks , I want to navigate to a corresponding page without hardcoding it, example (if choice 1 clicked then navigate to page 1, choice 2 - > page 2 etc). I tried to set a customstate for the choice page and then set a when condition is true to navigate to the right page in the workflow, but it doesn’t seem to be working. So obviously, the workflow is not checking the custom state after the button is clicked. How do I fix this? Should I only create custom states for each and every button and then navigate to the appropriate page? Seems there should be a better way to do it

Any help much appreciated, thanks!!

How about using the nav to external website action, instead of the internal page nav action? Then you can dynamically set the url to hit. You can concatenate the home url with the page name, and perform that action when the text (or a group, or button, etc.) is clicked. You just reference the current cell:


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