I am creating a multivendor marketplace similar to gumroad or fiverr (for services) with a single shopping cart and my vendors are not limited to single country they are from all around the globe
Using a single shopping cart I have to schedule API workflow on the list to process orders
my problem is stripe doesn’t allow transfer funds to seller if the they locate to different location than my platform
stripe connect provides 3 options for the marketplace :
- direct charge (where platform not obliged to handle dispute, so i can’t use this option)
- destination charges (where fund transfer to seller but platform liable for disputes and refunds, by using this i have to charge buyer card multiple time for each seller on single order , just to settle funds to each seller connect account )
- separate charges and transfer (this is a perfect fit for me where first as a platform I collect the payment and later on distribute funds to sellers, but it also restricts to seller location, cross border payments only allows in USA)
is there any way to process orders in bubble for multivendor global marketplace to use stripe connect account with cross-border transfer ?
or if somebody can share a better workaround to process payments on-site would be much appreciated