Need help creating custom button map


I am very new to Bubble, and am using it to start up an app that I have been wanting to create. I want to make a way for people to store their travel adventures by the states of the United States that they travel to.

To make this interactive, I want to create a “button map”. This would be a generic line drawing of the United States with all of the states outlined. If the user wants to view their photos from a recent trip to Arizona, they would click on the Arizona outline on the interactive map. This would open a popup that would display all of those photos.

The map on the page would look something like this:

As I said before, I’m new to Bubble, and so any help pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated!

This kind of interface isn’t something you can do with Bubble alone.

There may be a plugin. Otherwise have a look for an external JavaScript library that can do this sort of thing. You’ll be using the html element to render it (or creating your own plugin).

From quick googling:
Interactive Choropleth Map - Leaflet - a JavaScript library for interactive maps (There is a plugin for leaflet that may work for this)

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Thank you!

Hello Matt, nice to read you about using leaflet library, I have a couple of questions about, I have a leaflet map working on my site, but I wish to add diferent markers stored in a bubble database, like (NameLocation, LatLocation, LongLocation) the problem is, how to add this particular dynamic data in the HTML Block, also to mention I tried in Javascript workflow, but I hadn’t success too. Many Thanks in advance.

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