I use date filter to show row in the table but when i add for example end of month dont show me last day data, but only one day before.
for better explain see video:
here how i have setup conditions:
I use date filter to show row in the table but when i add for example end of month dont show me last day data, but only one day before.
for better explain see video:
here how i have setup conditions:
This seems a simple issue with time stamp. The date also consists of time when you created/selected it, which is why it is not filtering as intended.
Simple solution:
Date pickers’value: rounded down to date.
What this does with example:
DatePickera value - 13-05-2024 1:25 pm
Rounded down to date - 13-05-2024 0:00
Hope this helps!
Hello @animisha45
thank you for the answer i have check and data which are created are with the time:
but the date picker is without time:
and according bubble if you dont set the time the sorting will be until 12 am (00:00) or?
And you do not need to pick the time here. When you round it down, it will automatically pick the date. This way you won’t be comparing any time values.
yes i understend, that i can make for any new records but how to deal with the current date.
thank you
You can just make change here in the filter constraint
datepicker od’ value: rounded down to date
datepicker do’s value: rounded down to date
This will be enough.
Ah I see. A mistake on my part in the solution. Here is what should work:
datepicker od’ value: rounded down to date
datepicker do’s value: rounded down to date +days:1
This will include the end date selected.
Hope this helps!
Thank you very much looks like working!
thank thanks a lot!
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