In a SQL I have three columns: ID, Score and Score2. ID is prefilled, Score and Score2 are empty. The goal is -using the bubble app- to fill the two Score columns with input fields. In the URL is an ID embedded (using: “[…]?ID=1234”), which indicates for which row in the SQL the two score columns should be updated.
My problem: I don’t know how the query part works in the Bubble SQL Database plugin. I tried a few queries, like:
It does not work, though. I must be doing something wrong here.
Is it the parameter part? I don’t even know what is does but when I remove the three parameters, the query gives me an error:
The problem is: ID is not the first parameter in the query, it is the second parameter. The first parameter should be Score. Basically $1, $2, $3 represents the question marks in the query in order. If you switch the names, it should work. And you don’t have the third parameter in your query currently. Although it doesn’t hurt the query, it might be misleading.
Thank you for replying!
Will try tonight, but one question in advance: you said the 1st parameter should NOT be “ID”. However in your example you put ID first. I don’t get that?
Hey, yes. Sorry for not clarifying. I put the ID to the second field, and the score to the ID field, that’s how it worked (if this is your query). In yours, not to confuse names, put ID to the second place. I fixed the image in the original post.