I’ve created a form that allows you to (1) select a file (via dropdown) from an existing list of files field within the user data type and/or (2) upload new files via a multi-file uploader. Both will be added to a list of files within a new data type I’m calling “Video Ad”.
I’m having three issues with the workflow for this form.
Here is some background on the workflow…
A workflow is triggered when the value of the uploader changes (files are uploaded). First, it sets a state called “Brand Files”, then “shows” a repeating group (that contains the files added to the state), then clears the drop zone for the uploader (it’s pretty hideous).
Issue #1 - if a user uploads more than one file, it only shows the most recent file in the repeating group. Wondering what the issue is here.
Now for Issue #2…
Within the repeating group, I’ve added text called “save for future use” that allows the user to save that file to their account for future use. Once they save the file to an account, I’m hiding the “Save for future use” link.
Workflow for that:
But, the big issue here is it hides the “Save for future use” link for every file in the group. Anything I’m doing wrong here?
Issue #3
When users hit the “next” button, I’m trying to save the uploaded and or selected file from the drop-down to the order (a list of files field I’m calling “Ads Brand Guides” within a data type I’m calling “Video Ad”)
But for some reason, It’s not successfully adding these files to the list.
Thank you for the help!