Need Help With Animating Section of Website


I need help with animating a section of my website.

So you know on how most marketplace websites the pictures automatically move to the next picture.

I need a transition like this. I will have a block advertising something and it would automatically need to rotate to the new picture.

How can I get this down??
This will be for a website you an access on a computer.

Thanks in advance :heart::pray:t5:

Hi there, @dribblezard… check out this plugin and see if it meets your needs.


Hi there Mike

Will this work for up to 6000 slides??

Probably, but don’t!

You’re your own worst enemy if you’re trying to load 6,000 images into an element.

Just sayin’ :laughing:

Josh @ Support Dept
Helping no-code founders get unstuck fast :rocket:save hours, & ship faster with an expert :man_technologist: on-demand

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Hi there, is there a better way I can do this?? So I don’t run into any problems

It really depends on the structure of your page and what you’re trying to achieve. But no one is going to sit there and swipe through 6,000 images

So you should be looking at putting some constraints in your search so you only pull in a subset of the 6,000 images. You could do this based on category or some other tag you have in your database like “featured product”.

What’s the right number? I can’t really say. But I would think it’s probably low double digits.

I wouldn’t think this is great UX for users to discover ALL of your products.

Josh @ Support Dept
Helping no-code founders get unstuck fast :rocket:save hours, & ship faster with an expert :man_technologist: on-demand

I post daily about no-code and Bubble on Twitter Follow Support Dept on Twitter

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