Need to make a Form Builder using Custom States and only one Workflow to save the list

What I am asking help for is to create a form builder using custom states rather than creating new things with workflows for each question. I’ll add the list to the DB once submitted.

Why custom states? because I’d like to use states as much as possible to stay performant.

I’m trying to make basically this :arrow_down:

For a bonus i’d like to start with 3 questions already there for the user (doesn’t need to be prefilled like the image).

I know how to do this with repeating groups and workflows but for some reason doing this with custom states have stumped me, so would love some help on how to wrangle these things :rofl:


Custom states … mmmhhh

Are you perhaps referring to using option sets and setting them as states?

I mean custom states. But for sure, whatever works as to the thing it manipulates.

And … why custom states? How do you see them working with your planned form builder?

My question is the same as yours. I don’t know how to use states to get the result I want. I want performance where I can get it. And I can imagine that there is someone of this forum that can help me understand how, but right now I am at a loss with my own understanding of bubble/programming concepts.

@keith your list shifter, I’ve read many comments on the forum plus the plugin page and I can tell i’d need major hand holding to even understand how I could use it.

My question is, do you understand my problem and do you think your list shifter would make it possible if it’s not already possible in default bubble?

Yeah, I understand what you want to do. Doesn’t necessarily have much of anything to do with List Shifter though. You can of course collect all the info you need to make some Things and then make the Things “in bulk” at some later time. (I show exactly this in my video about shopping carts. But also in there I show how there’s no free lunch really in terms of performance and that doing things “the Bubble Way”.)

I don’t really show exactly HOW all this would work, as I haven’t finished the video, but you’d probably be interested in the (not yet complete video where I’m doing essentially this (and talking about Floppy):

You might also go watch all the videos in the Floppy thread as well as they sort of touch on relevant issues.


Oh yes floppy! I have read and watched videos about this too. ‘Add empty value feature’ sounds like exactly the solution to the problem I couldn’t overcome. Thanks mate, I knew you’d pull in clutch, thanks!

Oh and also, maybe performance isn’t the right word but user front end performance. Not waiting for the server to spin up 3 empty things for my user but rather do it on the client side to keep it responsive and fast. Anyway Ill dig into floppy more.

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Yeah, you can create experiences that are pretty seamless on the front end but at some point you’re still gonna have to create the objects (Things). And this will take time (even if the user doesn’t notice that).

My video about carts is this one:

100%. Key to me is to learn how to hide it as much as possible.

Getting through that first video now and this is exactly what I was looking for. Im glad to know I wasn’t totally dumb not figuring it out with default bubble states. Floppy is the way. And local storage is a whole other level of cool.

Perfect, thanks for the cart video.

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You can do all this stuff with custom states, within the limitations of bubble expressions, but Floppy has a bunch of ways to manipulate lists that are more robust. Note that at the moment, I’m fixing some bugs and stuff so expect further changes. All the important stuff I report in the main Floppy thread. Sometime soon it’ll get stable. Every update at the moment is “caveat emptor” ATM.

You couldn’t create 3 empty custom state things within the bubble expression though right? I think that was my bottle neck, was how to create empty things in a custom state.

Regardless, I have already made floppy start working and creating empty things in a repeating group in local storage.

I haven’t gotten to creating the list of things yet. I assume between those 2 videos I’ll find the solution if I can’t figure it out intuitively myself.

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I’ll finish that video soonish but all I’m going to show is how to use step mode (and maybe alternatively List Popper) to bulk create the Things. There’s a video explaining step mode in the Floppy thread. It’s not hard to understand.

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