Hi! New to Bubble, so I appreciate your patience with my lack of nomenclature…
I built a Repeating Group Horizontal. Within it I’ve nested a Repeating Group Vertical
Hidden Group A [Data Source: Search for Images - Layout: Full List]
Repeating Group Horizontal [Source: Hidden Group A List of Images - Layout: Ext Vert Scrolling]
Repeating Group Vertical [Source: RGH’s List of Images:items from Current Cell’s Index - Layout: Full List]
Group Image Container [Source: Current Cell’s Image]
Image [Source: Parent Group’s Image]
This is to build a Masonry style image board.
This is displaying all the test data inputed - however it repeats the full list (minus 1 image) for each RGV [then it repeats the entire list again in a new RGH].
I figure that I missed something simple so any and all suggestions are welcome. As a note, the scheme I used was from something I saw from ZeroQode.
Thank you!!!