@NigelG @emmanuel custom state with date… data type is date&time and the input is air datepicker … data not filtering in rg … please help
I’m having the same issue/need. Any update planned? It’d be useful because for things nested into a RG it doesn’t seem that we can use the “page is loaded” workaround to define the state’s default value (or I’m missing something…?). For now I’m using a workflow triggered by something into a particular cell of a RG to define the state’s default value of the other things which are in that same cell.
Action: “Reset” State to “Default Value”
Is it Possible?
Would be nice for forms and popups, where you create new entries without Reloading the page
I agree that would super useful
From my testing, you can just have a set state action with the value empty. Then it sets based on the default state. Though I agree it’d be nicer to have the action defined as Reset to Default Value.
You ARE right!, good to know, and Important to know
This is really good. Thank you!
Now it would be great to have a set state action that can set the value of many states at once
This is already super useful. It would be even more so with the ability to:
A) Insert a dynamic value as a default custom state value
B) Add a default value to a custom state that is a list.
@emmanuel, are there any plans to add these in the near future?
Yes totally agree, read my mind. Being able to add a dynamic value in the custom state would be a nice feature addition.
+1 Dynamic default value would be an awesome next step
Hi @emmanuel
Is there anything on the plans for adding dynamic values to custom states default value?
This would be an awesome addition.
You might want to submit that feature request/RFE as a bug report as that seems to be very helpful in getting small changes added!
(Agree this feature would be handy, as you’d now essentially have autobinding for custom states.)
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ve submitted - fingers crossed
Yes definitely opens up a lot of functionality e.g. default custom states dynamic data within repeating group elements and minimising workflows needed e.g. when condition is true or on page load set custom state
It would be a nice addition indeed.
Any news about dynamic value for a custom state? That will make our bubble even more bubblier
I’m with you, it would be a game changer
While waiting for this feature, you could use a hidden popup to store all your variables instead of custom states (credit to AirDev and @vlad for this pro tip).
So instead of creating a custom state, you create a popup and add groups or repeating groups, for single values and lists respectively.
These are actually more useful than custom states because they can have default data sources, conditional data sources, or have their data set by a workflow.
Since I learnt this approach I never use custom states in my app again.
Thanks again @vlad or whoever in AirDev that came up with this strategy. It’s the beat pro tip I’ve ever had in Bubble.
Smart approach.
Are there any specific reasons to use a popup and not other containers like a group?
The popup is a nice way to keep all your app variables in one place away from your regular page design.
This is a polished version of having hidden inputs to store variables on a page.
In the popup you don’t have to hide anything (it will never be shown) so it’s easy to see and select the variables (groups and repeating groups).
This indeed.
I will stop using my 1x1 pixel hidden groups