[NEW FREE PLUGIN] Easy Live Streaming with Agora

Hello fellow bubblers! Ever thought of implementing a livestream platform in your bubble work? We are happy to provide a plugin that helps the implementation: Easy Live Streaming with Agora.

You need to subscribe to Agora service yourself before using our plugin. To check for more information: https://docs.agora.io/en


  1. Add the element “Agora Streaming” to the page
  2. Create groups as the player of the livestream. One group is only responsible for one video source. That is, if you want the host to display both the video from the camera and the video from the screen, TWO SEPERATE groups have to be created.
  3. Define the ID attributes of the groups.
  4. In the workflow, create a new event and select the appropriate element actions.


The plugin enables the basic features (actions) you needed for hosting a live streaming session:

  • Creating a streaming session as a host


  • Ending a streaming session as a host


  • Joining / Leaving a streaming session as an audience


  • Mute the host’s audio
  • Unmute the host’s audio


  • Create your own streaming platform
  • Start a private chatgroup with friends
  • Set up a video conferencing platform
  • Anything that includes live video streaming


Agora Documentation: https://docs.agora.io/en/Interactive%20Broadcast/migration_guide_web_ng?platform=Web

Live Demo: https://triallllllll.bubbleapps.io/version-test?debug_mode=true

Editor Mode on Demo: Plugin Demo | Bubble Editor

In the coming days, we will update the plugin and add more unique features. Feel free to leave a comment on how we can improve / reporting bugs. We also accept emails: info@nalfe.com

Enjoy building with the plugin!


Does this still work?

Well…it doesn’t work :slight_smile:

But I wondered if it shoud work, or is it redendant now?