🐣 New Free Plugin - Ez Page Screenshot by EazyCode

Hey Bubblers !

Welcome new Free Ez Page Screenshot plugin by EazyCode

The Ez ScreenShot allows you to take “screenshots” of webpages or parts of it, directly on the users browser. The screenshot is based on the DOM and as such may not be 100% accurate to the real representation as it does not make an actual screenshot, but builds the screenshot based on the information available on the page.

Demo: https://eazycodedemo.bubbleapps.io/version-test/ez_screen_shot

Ez ScreenShot contains only 2 actions, that can Help You work with screenShots:

  • “Make”. Fires a base64 link that You can store in DB, or Show in front end
    Also You can specify type of image (png, jpg, bmp)

  • “Make and Download”. Fires download action of created screenshot.
    Also you can specify Image Name(useful if need to timestamp in image name) and image Type(png,jpg, bmp)

How it works:

  • Add Visual element “EzScreenShot” to Your Design Tab

  • Specify Page Id

  • Create event (ex. button click)

  • In Workflow Tab add to this vent an action “Make EzScreenShot” or “Make and Download EzScreenShot”

  • You must specify for each Action Input Fields:

For “Make EzScreenShot” Image Type (jpg, png, bmp)

For “Make and Download EzScreenShot” Image
Name(useful if need to timestamp in image name)
For “Make and Download EzScreenShot” Image Type (jpg,
png, bmp)

Plugin Link : Ez Ez Page Screenshot Plugin | Bubble

Demo Link : https://eazycodedemo.bubbleapps.io/version-test/ez_screen_shot

Editor Link : demoeazycode | Bubble Editor

Documentation : Ez Page Screenshot - EazyCode Documentation

Don’t forget to leave a review and share your experience of using it. We are also open to help with installation and further upgrades of the plugin! Thanks and Happy No-Coding!

Hope you will like it !

Regards Pavel, EazyCode team

Is there are way to allow this to capture the screen of what is shown within an iframe on your webpage? This works to capture the page but the iframe is always white and content is not shown.