[New Plugin] Emoji Picker within input using shortcut: “:”

Hey Bubble community!

:tada: I’m thrilled to introduce my latest plugin: Emoji Picker Shortcut! :tada:


Plugin Details
Effortlessly enable users to search for and insert emojis in your app! With this plugin, all it takes is typing a colon (:) followed by a keyword (e.g., :smile)—and voilà, the perfect emoji appears! :smiley::sparkles:

:rocket: Quick Emoji Search: Find emojis lightning-fast with intuitive keyword matching.
:blush: User-Friendly Interaction: Delight users with seamless emoji insertion in input fields.
:wrench: Smooth Integration: Works flawlessly across all input fields without any hassle.
:crescent_moon: Dark Mode Support: Offers a sleek, visually appealing experience for users who prefer dark mode.

Perfect for:

  • :speech_balloon: Chat apps
  • :iphone: Social feeds
  • :memo: Forms

Bring your inputs to life and boost user engagement with emojis!

:sparkles: Check out the live demo and watch it in action!
:point_right: Demo editor for more details and to get started.

Let’s add some extra :spark:sparkles: to your app UX

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts abou the plugin.

Cheers to building awesome no-code apps,

Joao Vitor Fontenele