[New plugin] Fully Customizable Table / Grid

Wow what a great solution, thank you for the pointer! Love using the plugin so far, makes life much easier with tables, thank you again!

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Update 2.43.0

  • Added a feature that allows for a frozen header/footer table with a fixed height
  • The plugin now also fully supports the new responsive engine :slight_smile:

Bug: Tables stay loading like this. If I add another table, for some reason it finally loads. This is on the latest update 2.43.0.

Exporting the table’s data to CSV works even though the table is still frozen like this.

@alejandrowunderlich I am not seeing this issue. I will send you a PM so we can take a better look at the issue!

I’m trying to display list of objects in a cell.
But only first item is displayed.

Maybe you can suggest solution

e.g. User has a list of tools that he use and this is another data type.

CleanShot 2022-10-20 at 16.23.57@2x

Also tried another setup and still get only first item

This looks like the correct setup. I will send you a PM so we can take a better look!

Hi @Thimo great plugin. I have enabled checkboxes and are using the ListShifterKW to get the Selected checkbox ID {list}. Once I have selected the final item from the table, I click a button(outside of the table) to send the list elsewhere. I have pagination enabled as well, inspecting with the Bubble debugger shows that as I click on each individual checkbox, from time to time the properties “Selected checkbox ID {list}” and “Selected checkbox index {list}” become empty.

The workaround I have at the moment is before clicking the button to send the list, I click on the white space to left of the pagination or above where the pagination summary would be, which updates those properties accordingly.

Apologies if this has been previously resolved, I could not find a post sharing a similar issue.

Is a select all checkbox still possible with the library? I believe it’s been mentioned before but I wanted to revisit it.


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@thando I am not sure if I completely understand the issue you are facing. I will send you a PM so we can take a better look!

Hi @sydney22 Unfortunately I have not found a workaround to select all chechboxes at once. If I come across a solution I will implement it! :slight_smile:

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Since adding some tables (4 Tables) to a page the page becomes sluggish over a period of continued use and in time becomes unusable until I refresh my page, what options can I change to prevent my page from slowing down ?

@Benjamin_Rodgers I did push a performance improvements in update 2.44.1. Could you try to upgrade your plugin to that version (you might need to refresh your editor to see the update) and let me know if this fixed your issue? If not I have to take a better look at your setup :slight_smile:

Agree! Critical :wink:

It seems to take even longer before it slows down. (feels like a 50% improvement) but my sorting, pagination, and dark mode buttons stopped working. I was using conditional states to change them with simple Boolean workflows but now it doesn’t update the table. (I’m using the responsive engine if that matters)

I think the latest updates broke the plugin. We’re seeing this error and our tables have disappeared. Is this isolated to us or everyone?

The plugin Table / Grid / element Table / grid threw the following error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘h’)
at instance.data.updateData (PLUGIN_1593724959866x956106696186921000/Table-/-Grid-update–Table-/-grid-.js:11:33)
at eval (PLUGIN_1593724959866x956106696186921000/Table-/-Grid-update–Table-/-grid-.js:1266:16) (please report this to the plugin author)


@armcburn Seems like Bubble is having trouble loading dependencies: Major outage with dependencies

Let’s hope they fix this soon!

@Benjamin_Rodgers Bubble is having some issue right now, when everything is back to normal I will send you a PM so I can take a look whats going on!

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This seems to have gotten better but the tables are no longer responding to changes in the underlying data. Things like filters changing in the column data source no longer cause the tables to redraw as they did. I don’t see any errors in the page load as was reported earlier but it seems like something is still broken in this plugin.

@Thimo fyi if I fall back to version 2.43.0 I no longer have the issue. The problem seems to be in the latest version.

Hi @mike31 I looked into this and just pushed an update (2.45.0) that should fix this!

cc: @Benjamin_Rodgers

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Thanks, that seems to have fixed it

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