jsoNest lets you generate deep-nested, highly-customizable JSON data from a thing or list of things. Runs server-side for use in api-workflows. This allows you to get database items, their associated items, their associated items, etc. and format the data as nested JSON. jsoNest does this by recursively looking up associated item types, expanding the data and nesting it.
jsoNest also lets you perform rich formatting including renaming bubble-assigned keys from the and reformating their values.
Dates - Bubble ISO date to other formats.
Currency - numbers to USD 2 -> â$2.00â.
Strings to booleans (i.e. âcolorâ : âblueâ becomes âcolorâ : {âblueâ : true).
Boolen to strings (i.e. âarchive?â : true becomes âarchiveâ : âtrueâ
Great SendGrid companion or other services that do not convert data types or interpret conditionals besides booleans.
Things to note:
The plugin cannot recursively do a search for⌠xxx = current thing, so your database structure must have all the relationships able to map from the first item you are searching for. Its a bubble limitation, as best as I can tell.