Hey everyone!
We have just released the “Image Zoomer Plugin”. This Plugin allows you to zoom into your images on click and center them on your page whilst changing the background color. This Plugin is ideal for writing Blogs and enhancing the user experience during reading. Furthermore, this Plugin allows to you add small images to your page which can be zoomed on upon when clicked. The mouse cursor of the user is changed to a zoom symbol when an image is hovered. You can specify the duration of the transition effect, the background color and the max width/height of the zoomed image.
Hey thanks for your message. You can make it work but it is not ideal.
For horizontal scrolling repeating groups it works quite well: https://webpagezoom.bubbleapps.io/demo , however not for vertical repeating groups as due to css structure, the image will be behind the repeating group:https://webpagezoom.bubbleapps.io/demo2 .
In order to set this up you will have to generate a unique element id for each image. You can do that by using the unique id of the current cells thing and adding just one letter. Take a look at the editor for more information: https://bubble.io/page?id=webpagezoom
the image should not be fuzzy, however due to the enlargement of the image the quality decreases a bit as the size of the image increases. You might want to take an image with a higher resolution, so that the image does not look fuzzy when zoomed. You can take a look at our demo to see how it should look: https://webpagezoom.bubbleapps.io/