New Plugin: JSON Web Tokens

We’ve released a new plugin: JWT

This plugin allows you generate Json Web Tokens (JWTs) within your Bubble application. These are often used to authenticate with third party applications/APIs. The plugin runs on the server an allows you to generate and sign JWTs for the following algorithms: HS256,HS384,HS512,RS256,RS384,RS512,ES256,ES384,ES512

You can set the payload of the JWT, the expiration time, time before it becomes valid and the secret key to sign the JWT. For the RSA and ECDSA algorithm you will have to use an encoded private key. You also have access to the “Verify JWT” action which allows you to decode and check the validity of a JWT.

For a demo of this Plugin please visit:

For a demo of this plugin in the Bubble editor please visit: Anticodepluginsnew | Bubble Editor

Plugin page: Json Web Token Plugin | Bubble



Hi @Anticode - this is (almost) exactly what I need - is it possible to remove the requirement to have expiry?

The use case is Stream’s API: which won’t accept the expiries in the payload.

Eg, the payload it wants is the pure payload:

But the plugin is adding 3 extra fields:

Sure no problem, give us 5 minutes and we’ll push an update. :grinning:

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Done! The update is live. There are 2 actions: 1 with the expiry date and notbefore date and one without.



That is a whole new level of service - thanks guys!


Hi Noel,

I’ve managed to have a look at this - unfortunately, it’s still including an additional field “iat”:

Is it possible for it solely to use the payload given?


we just released another update that fixes this. the IAT field is now removed.



Setup Video Tutorial: Generate and Verify Json Web Tokens in - YouTube

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Thank you for this plugin. Going to use this when I setup my jitsi server + other services.


Hi Noel,
I need to send specific header
“alg”: “HS256”,
“typ”: “JWT”,
“dd-ver”: “DD-JWT-V1”
is it possible to do that?

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Hi there @anticode. I’ve been using your plugin for many months now with perfect success. However, last week it began throwing an error. I checked your demo implementation on your website and it too is giving the same error message. Your urgent help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Yes we’re looking into this right now

We just released an update that fixes the bug. Please upgrade the plugin to the latest version

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Is the custom header possible?

Can’t figure out how to work with RS256. Everytime recieve error:

{“library”:“PEM routines”,“function”:“get_name”,“reason”:“no start line”,“code”:“ERR_OSSL_PEM_NO_START_LINE”}

Could somebody help?