[New Plugin] - Set empty value - Dropdown

Set the blank value of your dropdowns just by informing the element ID and defining the value it should receive.
Often you want to create a dropdown element for a filter in a list, and if it is empty all items should appear. The problem is when the user changes the value of this dropdown and then returns to all values. When this happens, he is faced with an empty value item and for many users this does not make sense.

Set empty value - Dropdown is a plugin that solves this for you. It takes the element with ID Attribute defined by you and sets a value to that blank field also defined by you.

:arrow_right: Feel free to look at the example at the link: https://acampamentonocode-plugins.bubbleapps.io/version-test/set_empty_value_dropdow

:arrow_right: Feel free to look at the editor at the link: Acampamentonocode-plugins | Bubble Editor

:arrow_right: Instructions

1 - Place the “Set empty value - Dropdown” element on your page.
2 - Inform the “ID Attribute” of your dropdown element
3 - Set the value that should be displayed in the empty field

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Great fix. :muscle: :pray:

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Do you have a link to the plugin page?

Hey boston85719,



Hi @adrianonascentes

It works fine with Static, but not dynamic. Possible to fix?

Good Morning!
I’ll see what I can do to make this possible and get back to you.

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I performed a quick test by putting an input on the page and setting the value of my empty field to be the value of the input field and it worked perfectly.

Could you demonstrate the error that is happening in your app?

Captura de tela 2022-08-10 095208

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John, is this “App Text (All)” a custom states ?

I tried several ways here to cause some error but all worked. I went through lists and so on.

The only errors I got were the dropdown element being visible but the plugin element not.

Does this happen in your app?

For example, since your element is in a floating group, does this floating group contain both elements, or is the search element visible and then the plugin element appears?

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Perfect John, I’ll take a look to solve your problem then.

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Hi @adrianonascentes

Just realized that error inside the browser. Hope it can help:

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Good night @JohnMark , how are you? I’m looking at what it could be and I’ll give you a feedback

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@JohnMark did several tests here to see if I got any similar results. Unfortunately I could not reproduce the error shown.

But anyway I made some adjustments to improve the plugin, please update it to version 1.0.2 and see if it fixes your problem. If you don’t fix it, please don’t forget to send me a print of your element’s configuration.

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It is doing the same. I create a separate page, and it works (both version). Maybe a conflict with one of my +100 plugins I have… I will try to isolate which process is blocking access to Set Empty. I can’t see other option right now. I put the plugin in the first in my list to be sure to be uploaded first. Investigation in progress :sweat_smile:

update :slight_smile: it is not any plugins. re install SetEmpty too, not working.
Will try to erase part by part now…

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good afternoon @JohnMark . it’s probably a conflict with another plugin, when you find out what’s causing it, please if you can notify me the error would be great, so I can work on top of the conflict to avoid it

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Hi @adrianonascentes

I erased everything but still. So we know isn’t there. The error on the debugger appear very fast (before everything). The pointer isn’t working for that page! I try to put SetEmpty on my other pages, same result, not working. The only page working is my test page! Same domain… same everything… This is something. :sweat_smile:

Maybe you can create another address for the library (link) in the plugin “experimental version, do not use” ?

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that’s crazy, I’ll investigate this further. Could you tell me the names of the plugins you use?

Perfect! I will investigate what could be more in depth.