New Plugin: The Final Countdown - The Ultimate Timer, Countdown, & Stopwatch Solution! ⏱️

Hey Bubblers! :wave:

I’m excited to introduce The Final Countdown, a sleek, feature-packed plugin that combines a countdown clock, timer, and stopwatch into one powerful tool—perfect for any project requiring accurate time tracking! :dart:

Key Features:

  • :hourglass_flowing_sand: Countdown Clock: Automatically starts based on a date, tracking days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

  • :mantelpiece_clock: Timer: Start, pause, and reset the timer with precision. Time left is available as both a number and a formatted string!

  • :stopwatch: Stopwatch: Millisecond accuracy, complete with lap functionality to track time precisely.

  • :art: Custom States: Use formatted or numeric states for full flexibility in how you display and utilize time.

  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Advanced Lap Functionality: Record and publish lap times easily with the Lap Time event.

No UI clutter! Final Countdown is invisible on your page, allowing you to integrate it seamlessly into any design.

How to Get Started:

  1. Decide which best fits your needs:
  1. Add the element to your page.
  2. Start using actions and states immediately with ease.

Try it now in the Bubble editor!
:point_right: Link to Editor

Detailed Instructions
:point_right: Plugin Page

Check out the plugin logo below and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions! I’m eager to hear how you’ll use it in your projects. :speech_balloon: