New Showcase categories!

Hello, everyone! We have now introduced the following subcategories for the Showcase category:

  • Plugins
  • Templates
  • Apps

This way you can select what type of Bubble-built product you’d like to show off and builders in the community can find your work more easily based on what they are looking for. Thank you @johnny for the suggestion! Can’t wait to see what you all build and add to these categories.


Nice! Now can you add dark mode for the forum @jess :pray:

See: Allow users to select dark / light theme - admins - Discourse Meta


Very cool! Thanks @jess

Hi Jess, is it about this page? Showcase | Bubble
how can we submit items to be listed there?

Pretty sure she’s talking about the ‘Showcase’ category on this forum.

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oh, of course! haven’t realised that, thanks! @juicebox

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