Hello there Bubblers and aspiring Bubblers. We just launched our first Bubble template. A simple template to help kickstart a landing page design. Check it out here https://bubble.io/template/topone-lading-page-1-1513731921000x844238049257455600
Thank you for your support…
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Not responsive…room for improvements…
There’s some interesting elements on it, but need better ‘appearance’ and yes, responsive as minimum requirement. I didn’t realized it was for sale… but 5$ to start from crash isn’t that bad, right? Thanks anyway to Roberto, it is always good initiative in my point of view 
I am not sure if there is a review process before submission. I think Bubble team should ensure at the minimum that all templates are responsive and the quality is met. I have seen lot of bad templates in the marketplace and some Bubblers are complaining about the quality of some templates.
Hello thanks for the feedback. We didn’t realize that mobile responsiveness was a criteria in order to publish templates on Bubble. First of all we are just testing the waters. We think it’s important to understand what kind of responses Are elicited. Whether responses come from an encouraging and guiding point of view or even from an “I’m intimided by your presence but I’m not going to say it” point of view(Lol). We were focusing a little more on pricing points of our templates. ( For example, $1 for a non mobile responsive template and $2 for a mobile responsive template) Maybe an individual would prefer paying relatively less for a non responsive template and just make it responsive themselves(food for thought). Now a point I do want to make. A template is a structure or framework(Or starting point for something) So the appearance of a template such as the colors and or images for example shouldn’t be of primary focus. What’s really important is what elements are being used and how they are being used, Where are they being placed and how they are being placed And what do they do when they are in view, such as if they are animated or not. Why? Because templates are meant to be altered, Most of the time from top to bottom. When I look at the templates I look for what elements are being used, Where are they placed, and what do they do. Not for what colors or images are in the background. It wouldn’t make any sense for users to use a template and not change anything but the logo on it, Because that would mean there would be a bunch of Web pages and websites that look the same. Anyways. If a pretty decent looking “non responsive” template for sale is not acceptable, Then We can make them all responsive But only if Bubble.is dictates that. Thanks. Oh by the way more templates coming and this is only the beginning of our presence on Bubble…
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Modern templates should look the ones found here: https://webflow.com/templates
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Hi Roberto. I think the point is more about the actual design of the site, but the lack of responsiveness is another point of contention. I would work on studying UX a bit more, find inspiration from professional and creative sites that are designed by professionals, and use that to impact your own designs. Good luck!
@jordan.shotwell that is the point I was trying to make. 

Hello Everyone. This Template is now responsive. Thanks…
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