I’ve been using Bubble now for a couple of weeks and trying to find my way around Bubble…
Bubble is truely awesome !!!
I’m trying to build a MULTIPLE STEP ORDER FORM and in need of help…
I know the basic things of bubble so far
and I know the large parts on how to do this but having difficulties on how to transfer the data and with the transitions to the next steps…
Can somebody please advise me in large guidelines how to do this kind of order form?
The order process I’m trying to create is entirely on 1 page. (with show/hide groups)
1/ First I would create a group with explanation of the step process for the user, which is shown on page load.
AND a “start” button --> actions in workflow: (??)
- Create new thing “order”
- Hide this group
- Show the next group (“step 1: choose a box design”)
2/ Then a master group, type: “order”, divided into 4 seperate groups with the steps for the order process.
(hidden on page load)
–> group 1: "step 1: choose a box design"
the user can now select a design from a repeating group, containing an image, description and price of the design. Once the user clicks the image of the design:
- scroll to top of page
- The image of the chosen design should be shown in a seperate group above the repeating group
- total price: price step 1
- and SHOW a hidden button just below the group with the chosen design (image)
–> to go to the Next Step - -> actions workflow: - hide this group
- show following group
( ? Now you would also have to make changes to the created ‘order’ ? )
–> group 2: "step 2: choose a product to go into the box"
the user can now select a product from a repeating group, containing an image of the product, description and price. Once the user clicks the image of the product:
- scroll to top of page
- 2 image are shown !! in 2 seperate groups above the repeating group
The image of the previous selected step
The selected image in step 2 - total price: price step 1 + Price Step 2
- and SHOW a hidden button just below the group with the chosen design and product
–> to go to the Next Step - -> actions workflow: - hide this group
- show following group
( ? Now you would also have to make changes to the created ‘order’ ? )
–> group 3: "step 3: add personal touch to the design"
the user can now insert a message and upload 2 different images. Once the user did this:
- scroll to top of page
- 3 image are shown !! in a seperate group above the repeating group
The image of step 1
The image of step 2
The insered text and image of step 3 - total price: price step 1 + Price Step 2
- and SHOW a hidden button just below the group with the chosen design and product
–> to go to the Next Step - -> actions workflow: - hide this group
- show following group
( ? Now you would also have to make changes to the created ‘order’ ? )
–> group 4: "summary of the order"
recap of the chosen things in step 1, 2 and 3 + total price: price step 1 and Price Step 2
- input forms for the delivery adress
- button add to a shopping bag or checkout
( ? Now you would also have to make changes to the created ‘order’ ? )
Thank you so much in advance for help!